For the three weeks before this past Sunday, God showed us Satan’s influence on the world in Revelation 12-13. This past Sunday, we received the first of three pictures of the glory of God’s domain. This week, we will see the second of those visions. Please join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 in the Ballard Middle School Board Room.
Please “Reply All” if you can bring treats this week. The readings will be:
Jeremiah 51:1-10
Psalm 23
Revelation 14:6-13
Matthew 25:31-46
Upcoming events:
Sunday, November 24 – 9:00 am – worship at Shepherd
Sunday, November 24 – Community Thanksgiving at Trinity Methodist Church in Huxley (6:00 pm soup supper, 7:00 pm Worship)
Sunday, December 1 (AKA November 31) – 9:00 am – worship at Shepherd
Sunday, December 8, 15 – TBD – I’ll be in India
Wednesday, December 18 – 7:00 pm – Christmas under the Stars with Emmanuel Lutheran Church – Earl May – 1509 N Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny (Pastor Matthew Pillman)
Sunday, December 22, 29 – 9:00 am – worship at Shepherd
Monday, December 23 – 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve Eve at Shepherd
Tuesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve at Bethany
PLEASE pray for the following:
Vyshnava – the girl at the Tanuku orphanage who has a LARGE abscess on her neck – the medicine appears to be working
The nation of Israel and the civilians in harm’s way in Israel and Gaza
The people of Ukraine, as their nation is under attack.
Pastor James Puotyual while he awaits a kidney transplant
Paula, that her health might be restored
Please continue to keep the following friends in prayer: Bev, Bonnie, Byron, Cheryl, Dave, Dick, Doug, Paula, and Twyla.
The Grulke’s in Botswana; Enrique Estrada in Mexico; Pastors Duggi, Swen, David, Dake, Moksha, Peter, Jonathan, Abdul, Subin Raj, and all the other faithful pastors as they minister in India
Matt and Simon, pastors in Estonia, as they minister in a climate that is resistant to return to Christianity.
Janis Diekonts and Ieva Diekonte, David and Angela Breidenbach, as they conduct mission work in Latvia and other parts of Eastern Europe
The people of South Sudan and Ethiopia as the civil war continues to rage – and for the South Sudanese Christians who have been forced to flee to Ethiopia
The children and staff at the Bethany-Good Shepherd Orphanage in Tanuku.
Pastor Duggi and the members of the Lutheran Church in Gudipadu, Andhra Pradesh, and the orphanage he operates.
Tim T. as he serves various Spanish-speaking missions around the country
Our nation and its leaders – for a return to God and the values on which this country was built.
Come worship with us this Sunday at 9:00 am in the Ballard Middle School Board Room.